An Overview of Rent control Act 1958

           What is Delhi Rent Control Act?

 Delhi Rent Control Act mainly  provides a procedure to settle the disputes between with or without agreement. 

  1. Rent control laws control the amount of rent that landlords can charge from tenants for the use of residential or commercial property. These laws are designed to protect tenants from exorbitant rents and eviction from their homes, particularly in areas where the housing market is tight and rental prices are high.
  2. The Rent Control Act define the maximum amount of rent that can be charged, rate of increase, the rights and duties of landlords and tenants, and the remedies to resolve their disputes.
  3. The specifics of Rent Control Act can vary depending on the jurisdiction, but most laws provide for fair and reasonable rental rates, protection from eviction without cause, and the right to receive notice of rent increases or lease terminations. In some cases, the law may also require landlords to provide specific amenities or services to tenants, such as heat, water, or maintenance.
  4. Under this Act, the government put a ceiling on the rent, which creates disinterest among investors.  in 1988 when the Rent Control Act, Delhi, was amended to exempt properties commanding monthly rents of Rs 3,500/- per month. However, landlords did not have the right to revise the rent, so far. Moreover, they cannot evict tenants, except in extreme circumstances. The act protects rights of the tenant against unlawful eviction.

 What are the Key provisions under Delhi Rent Control Act:

  • Here are some of the key guidelines and provisions for tenants and landlords under the Delhi Rent Control Act (DRCA), 1958:
  • The Act does not allow the landlord to evict the tenant if the rent is paid on time.
  • The Act focuses on ‘standards’ regarding rent amount. This is the reason why the rental yields in central Delhi areas are very low and landlords cannot evict tenants who pay a negligible amount as rent.
  • The Act also mentions that a landlord can hike the ‘standard’ rent if the rented premises is renovated but it cannot exceed 7.5% of the total cost incurred. This is another reason why many buildings in central Delhi are in a dilapidated condition, as there is no incentive for landlords to renovate them.
  • The Delhi Rent Control Act also allows tenants to sub-let the premises and makes it difficult for the landlord to object to it.

Delhi Rent Control Act 2020

After the Delhi Rent Control Act has undergone amendments and revisions. There have been demands for changes in the code from the association of homeowners and also from tenants in some cases. The first amendment came in 1988 with the Delhi Rent Control (Amendment) Act. As per section 3 (c) of the Delhi Rent Act 1995, premises with monthly rents exceeding Rs 3,500 would not come under the previous rent act of 1958. Eviction laws were regulated through the recent amendments to the act. With the Model Tenancy Act, of 2019, the Delhi Rent Act of 1958 had been amended with the formulation of the Delhi Rent Control Act 2020. As per the new laws, registration and creation of a contract became crucial.

 How can you apply online for DDAS?

(Delhi Development Authority) is a government agency responsible for the development and management of land and housing in Delhi, India.

Steps are given below-

Visit the DDA website –

Click on the ‘Online Public Service’ tab in the main menu.

Select the service you want to apply for, such as the ‘Housing Scheme’ or ‘Land Pooling Policy.’

Read the instructions carefully and click on the ‘Apply Online’ button.

Fill in the required details in the online application form and upload the necessary documents.

Pay the application fee online using the available payment options.

After completing the application form and making the payment, you will receive a confirmation message on your registered mobile number and email ID.

Keep a copy of the application form and payment receipt for future reference.

Challenges which mainly come under the Delhi Rent Control Act-

Property owners in the areas covered by the Delhi Rent Control Act are wary of renting out their properties, due to the lack of attractive returns from their property. The situation is the same for residential and commercial areas in central Delhi, where one in every 10 cases filed at the district court is under the Delhi Rent Control Act. Even though the Act allows the landlord to raise the rent by 10% every three years, the base amount is so low that the rental yield is negligible. For example, if the original monthly rent was Rs 10, it would reach a maximum of Rs 1,000 by 1988. According to the latest amendment, properties with rent below Rs 3,500, would stay under the purview of the DRC Act.

The consequences of the Delhi Rent Control Act are such that the quality of housing options in central Delhi has gone down, as landlords do not have any interest in maintaining the properties or improving the quality of facilities for the tenants, due to a lack of returns. This has also resulted in a poor supply of quality housing in these areas, which is forcing tenants to settle for unwritten arrangements.

How to file Petitions Under Delhi Rent Control Act

Lawyers can file petitions on behalf of their clients challenging various provisions of the Delhi Rent Control Act. Here are some ways in which lawyers can file petitions related to the Act:

  • Constitutional Validity: Lawyers can file a petition in the Delhi High Court challenging the constitutional validity of the Delhi Rent Control Act on behalf of their clients. They can argue that the Act violates the fundamental rights of landlords or tenants or that it is ultra vires of the Constitution. The court will then examine the petition and give a ruling on the validity of the Act.
  • Eviction Proceedings: Lawyers can represent landlords or tenants in eviction proceedings initiated under the Delhi Rent Control Act. They can help their clients prepare the necessary documents and evidence to support their case and represent them before the Rent Control Tribunal or the High Court.
  • Rent Control: Lawyers can file a petition seeking an increase in rent beyond the limit prescribed by the Delhi Rent Control Act. They can argue that the cost of maintenance has increased significantly or that the prevailing rent is not adequate to cover the expenses incurred by the landlord. The court will then decide whether to allow the rent increase or not.
  • Subletting: Lawyers can represent landlords or tenants in cases related to subletting of properties. They can help their clients understand their rights and obligations under the Delhi Rent Control Act and represent them in eviction proceedings or dispute resolution mechanisms.

How Tenant can make an agreement under the Delhi rent control act

Under the Delhi Rent Control Act, renters (tenants) and landlords can enter into a rental agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the tenancy. Here are the steps that renters can follow to agree with the Act:

  • Understanding the provisions of the Act: Renters should first familiarize themselves with the provisions of the Delhi Rent Control Act to understand their rights and obligations as tenants. They should know the maximum rent that can be charged for their property, the procedure for filing a complaint with the Rent Control Tribunal, and the conditions for eviction under the Act.
  • Drafting the rental agreement: Once renters understand the provisions of the Act, they can draft a rental agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of their tenancy. The agreement should include details such as the monthly rent, security deposit, duration of the tenancy, and conditions for renewal or
  • Termination of the agreement. It should also specify the responsibilities of the landlord and tenant regarding maintenance, repairs, and utility bills.
  • Signing the agreement: Once the rental agreement is drafted, the renter and the landlord should sign it. Both parties should keep a copy of the agreement for their records.
  • Registering the agreement: It is optional to register the rental agreement with the Rent Control Tribunal or the Sub-Registrar of Assurances. However, registering the agreement can provide additional protection to the renter and make it easier to enforce the terms of the agreement in case of disputes.
  • Complying with the terms of the agreement: Once the rental agreement is signed, renters should comply with the terms and conditions of the agreement. They should pay the rent on time, take care of the property, and adhere to any other conditions specified in the agreement.

What is the last update of the Delhi Rent Control Act

In June 2021, the Union Cabinet approved the Model Tenancy Act and asked the states to adopt it. The government will repeal the Delhi Rent Control Act, of 1958 and implement the new rent act. In Delhi, the Centre has to enact the law since land in the national capital is a central subject. The proposed law would not impact the old contracts between tenants and landlords.

 Some of the important sections of the Act are:

  1. Section 2: Definitions – This section provides definitions for important terms used in the Act, such as “landlord”, “tenant”, “standard rent”, “fair rent”, etc.
  2. Section 3: Prohibition of certain forms of tenancy – This section prohibits certain forms of tenancy, such as sub-letting, transfer, and assignment of the property without the landlord’s consent.
  3. Section 4: Fixation of standard rent – This section provides for the fixation of standard rent, which is the maximum rent that a landlord can charge for a property. The standard rent is fixed by the Rent Controller based on factors such as the age, location, and condition of the property.
  4. Section 5: Increase in rent – This section regulates the increase in rent that a landlord can charge. The landlord can apply for an increase in rent after three years, and the Rent Controller will decide whether the increase is justified or not.
  5. Section 6: Eviction of tenants – This section provides for the eviction of tenants in certain cases, such as non-payment of rent, breach of terms and conditions of the tenancy, or if the landlord requires the property for his own use.
  6. Section 7: Maintenance of premises – This section imposes a duty on both the landlord and the tenant to maintain the property in a good condition.
  7. Section 9: Appeals – This section provides for appeals against the orders of the Rent Controller to the Rent Control Tribunal.
  8. Section 14: Payment of rent – This section provides that the rent shall be paid by the tenant to the landlord within the time specified in the rental agreement. The landlord is required to give a receipt for the rent received.
  9. Section 15: Deposit of rent – This section allows the tenant to deposit the rent with the Rent Controller in case of any dispute with the landlord. The Rent Controller will hold the rent until the dispute is resolved.
  10. Section 17: Recovery of possession in certain cases – This section provides for the recovery of possession of the property by the landlord in certain cases, such as if the tenant has used the property for immoral purposes or if the property is required for a public purpose.
  11. Section 18: Control over eviction of tenants – This section imposes certain restrictions on the eviction of tenants. For example, the landlord cannot evict the tenant if he/she has paid the rent and complied with the terms of the tenancy agreement.
  12. Section 19: Protection of tenants against eviction – This section provides protection to tenants against eviction without sufficient cause. The landlord has to prove that he has sufficient cause for eviction before the Rent Controller.
  13. Section 22: Penalties – This section provides for penalties in case of violation of the provisions of the Act, such as charging rent in excess of the standard rent or evicting a tenant without sufficient cause.

Latest Amendment of Delhi Rent Control Act

After having the first official version in 1958, the Delhi Rent Act has been revised and amended quite a few times. There has been a constant demand for change in the code from the association of homeowners and in some instances tenants as well. The rules and regulations from Delhi Rent Control Act Bare Act have been amended since then. Let’s look at the most significant changes in Delhi Rent Control Act 1958.

The first amendment in Delhi Rent Act started off in 1988, with Delhi Rent Control (Amendment) Act. According to section 3(c) of the Delhi Rent Act 1995, the premises with monthly rents exceeding ₹ 3,500/- wouldn’t fall under the previous rent act of 1958.

With the latest amendments in Delhi Rent Control Act, Eviction laws were regulated. The tenants acquired rights toward the property and the latest amendments didn’t affect the rights the tenants already enjoyed with the Delhi rent Control Act 1958.

With respect to Section 14, Delhi Rent Control Act, landlords were barred from taking legal action against a tenant on grounds of illegal possession if the lease had expired and the tenant still occupied the premises.

: Landmark cases

  • Freddy Fernandes v. P. L. Mehra, 1973 R.C.R. 53(2)
  • Ram Narnia v. Lakshmi Dash Kundera, AIR 1971 Delhi 268
  • Madan Lal vs Hema Wadi, ILR 1970 Delhi 519
  • V. Dhanpal Chattier v. Yesoda Amal, AIR 1979 SC 1745
  • Priya Bala Ghosh v. B.L. Singhania, AIR 1992 SC 639


The Delhi Rent Control Act is a law that governs the relationship between landlords and tenants in Delhi. The Act provides guidelines for rent control, eviction, and dispute resolution in order to protect the interests of both parties.

Over the years, the Act has been subject to several amendments and has faced criticism from both landlords and tenants. Some argue that the Act is biased towards tenants and makes it difficult for landlords to maintain their properties and earn a fair return on their investment. Others argue that the Act is necessary to protect tenants from exploitation by landlords.

Despite its flaws, the Delhi Rent Control Act continues to play an important role in regulating the rental market in Delhi. It provides a framework for resolving disputes between landlords and tenants, ensures that rent is charged at a reasonable rate, and protects tenants from arbitrary eviction.

Overall, the Delhi Rent Control Act is a complex and evolving law that requires careful consideration by all stakeholders. As the rental market in Delhi continues to grow and change, it is important for lawmakers to periodically review and update the Act to ensure that it remains relevant and effective in meeting the needs of both landlords and tenants.


  • Text of the Delhi Rent Control Act, 1958:
  • Delhi Rent Control Act Amendments:
  • Delhi Rent Control Act FAQs:
  • Delhi Rent Control Act Case Law:


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